Anna Halberstadt: Poetry Reading in English and Russian, and translations
Event Venue:
The Uncle Vanya Café315 W. 54th Street
New York, NY 10019
Event Date:
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Wine and cheese reception follows
Anna Halberstadt’s collection of poetry “Vilnius Diary” was published in the Mudfish Individual Poet Series, Box Turtle Press, in the summer 2014. Her collection in Russian “Transit” was published in June 2016, by West-Consulting, Moscow. Poem “I Was Reborn” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize 2014 by the Mudfish journal. Anna is a member of the American PEN Center. She was a finalist in the 2013 and 2015 Mudfish poetry contests and in Atlanta Review 2015 contest. Anna was a semi-finalist for the Paumanok Poetry Award 2015. She was a winner of the International Merit Award in Poetry 2016 International Poetry Competition in Atlanta review. Her creative work has been published by Alabama Literary Review, Alembic, Amarillo Bay, Atlanta Review, Bluestem, Caliban, Cimarron Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, East Jasmine Review, Forge, Good Men Project, Hawaii Pacific Review, Lilith, Literary Imagination, (Oxford Journals), Mudfish, OVS, St. Petersburg Review, Permafrost, Crack the Spine, Rio Grande Review, Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, Tiferet and Vilnius Review and translations of her poems in the Lithuanian journals Literatūra Ir Menas, Metai and Šiaurės Atėnai. Her poetry in Russian was published in the international anthology “Nash Krym” (KRiK, New York) in the winter 2014, and in Russian journals Interpoezia, Children of Ra, Arion and Poets Journal. Her translations of poetry from Lithuanian had been published in St. Petersburg Review, Quarterly West, Springhouse Journal, Sinister Wisdom, and the National Translation Month. Her translation of poetry from Russian had been published in Axolotl, St. Petersburg Review and Interpoezia.