Centuries Encircle Me with Fire: Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam. A Bilingual English–Russian Edition
Please join us as the Russian American Cultural Center presents a bilingual reading by Ian Probstein from the newly released book on May 3. This collection, compiled, translated, and edited by poet and scholar Ian Probstein, provides Anglophone audiences with a powerful selection of Mandelstam's most beloved and haunting poems. Both scholars and general readers will gain a deeper understanding of his poetics, as Probstein situates each poem in its historical and literary context.
Event Venue:
Yorkville Library Meeting Room222 E. 79th Street (btw 2nd and 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10075 (Vaccination cards and masks required)
Event Date:
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 | 5:30-7:00 PMThe Russian American Cultural Center presents:
Centuries Encircle Me with Fire: Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam. A Bilingual English–Russian Edition
Watch the event on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jX_CNIyxrg
Osip Mandelstam (1891-1938) is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century's most influential poets. This collection, compiled, translated, and edited by poet and scholar Ian Probstein, provides Anglophone audiences with a powerful selection of Mandelstam's most beloved and haunting poems. Both scholars and general readers will gain a deeper understanding of his poetics, as Probstein situates each poem in its historical and literary context. The English translations presented here are so deeply immersed in the Russian sources and language through the ear of a Russian-born Probstein who has spent most of his adult life in the US, that they provide reader's with a Mandelstam unseen any translations that precede it.
Dr. Ian Probstein, full professor of English at Touro College, is a bilingual Russian-American poet, scholar, and translator of poetry. He has published two books of literary criticism, twelve books of poetry in Russian, one in English, translated more than a dozen poetry volumes; and has compiled and edited more than thirty books and anthologies of poetry in translation and has about 500 publications. His most recent book in English is The River of Time: Time-Space, Language and History in Avant-Garde, Modernist, and Contemporary Poetry. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2017, http://www.academicstudiespress.com/browse-catalog/the-river-of-time and in Russian, Complete annotated edition of T. S. Eliot’s Poetry and Plays (1120 pp. St. Petersburg: Azbuka–antiqua, 2019 (4000 copies; long-listed for the Russian Guild of Translators Master Award, 2019), Charles Bernstein. Sign Under Test: Selected Poems and Essays. Moscow: Russian Gulliver-Center of Contemporary Literature, 2020.
(short–listed for the Russian Guild of Translators Master Award, 2021).
Пробштейн Ян Эмильевич (р. 1953) — поэт, переводчик поэзии, литературовед, канд. фил. наук, доктор литературоведения (Ph. D.), профессор кафедры английского языка и литературы (Touro College, New York). Составитель, редактор, автор предисловия, комментариев и один из ведущих переводчиков книги "Стихотворения и избранные Cantos" Эзры Паунда (1 т., СПб, Владимир Даль, 2003) «Стихотворения и поэмы» Томаса Стернза Элиота (М., АСТ, 2013), «Полное собрание пьес и стихотворений Т. С. Элиота» (СПб.-Москва: Азбука-Иностранка, 2019), «Испытание знака», Избранные эссе и стихотворения Чарльза Бернстина (М.: Русский Гулливер, 2020). Участвовал в издании «Собрания стихотворений» Дилана Томаса (М.: Рудомино, 2015), автор 12 книг стихов и нескольких книг эссе и литературоведческих исследований на русском и английском языках. Стихи, переводы, эссе и статьи печатались также в журналах «Новое литературное обозрение», «Иностранная литература», «Новый мир», «Крещатик», «Новая юность», «Prosodia» «Зинзивер», «Дети Ра», «Арион», «Плавучий мост», «Квадрига Аполлона», «Гвидеон», «Поэзия», «Новый Журнал», «Континент», «Стрелец», «Время и Мы», «Семь искусств», в электронных изданиях «Артикуляция», «Флаги», «Солонеба», «Новая среда», «Лиterraтура», Textonly, Gefter.ru, Textura.by, «Облака», «Сетевая словесность», в альманахах «Новая кожа», «Зарубежная Россия», «Связь времен», «Минская школа» и в других периодических изданиях. Всего около 500 публикаций.
Russian-American Cultural Center programing is made possible by part with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, Cojeco and Tianaderrah Foundation.