The Nuclear Saga: Heroes and Villains by Genrikh Golin
Event Venue:
Yorkville Library222 E. 79th Street (btw 2nd and 3rd ave)
New York, NY 10075
Event Date:
Monday, April 29, 2019 | 5 - 7 PM
Although much of the literature is devoted to the discovery and use of nuclear energy, the author of this new book distinguishes the balance between the scientific side of the creation of atomic weapons and the historical, political aspects and the participation of people in the atomic project. The period of creation of the atomic bomb coincides and, perhaps, is the result of ideological antagonism between Nazi Germany, the USSR and the USA, as well as with the era of wars and the greatest surge of nationalism and especially anti-Semitism.
All these aspects of history are perfectly described in the book, including the colossal motivation of Jewish scholars in creating the atomic bomb. These historical aspects of the creation of atomic and thermonuclear weapons in the United States and the Soviet Union make the book particularly attractive to the general public. The book describes the life and work of many scientists who have created this most destructive weapon. The book discusses not only their scientific achievements, but also their interaction with politicians and statesmen and, ultimately, their desire against the use of scientific achievements for military purposes.
The author describes in detail the evolution of the worldviews of physicists such as Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, Robert Oppenheimer and Andrei Sakharov, who realized their responsibility for creating the most terrible weapon in the history of mankind. The book also covers anti-heroes - spies and their patrons, including volunteer traitors who believed in the idea of a communist society. Under the injustice of capitalism of that time, and especially with the epidemic of nationalism with Nazism, as its most ugly form, the idea of communism became quite attractive in the eyes of some people. I am grateful to the author for paying great attention to the Jewish theme, the role of Jewish scientists in atomic projects in the USSR and the USA, and also the inclusion of facts of state anti-Semitism in the USSR.
A separate chapter, which may include some elements of fiction, is devoted to the prospects for the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. I would especially like to note the clarity and fascinating description of many events related to the development of nuclear physics and the creation of nuclear weapons. I am sure that this wonderful book will be a delightful addition to the readers. Valdemar Portney, Ph.D.
Хотя большая часть литературы посвящена открытию и использованию ядерной энергии, Генрих Голин в своей новой книге различает баланс между научной стороной создания атомного оружия и историческими, политическими аспектами, а также участием людей в атомном проекте. Период создания атомной бомбы совпадает и, возможно, является результатом идеологического антагонизма между нацистской Германией, СССР и США, а также с эпохой войн и наибольшим всплеском национализма и особенно антисемитизма.
Автор расскажет об исторических аспектах создания атомного и термоядерного оружия в Соединенных Штатах и Советском Союзе, о жизни и работе многих ученых, создавших это наиболее разрушительное оружие, и об их взаимодействии с политиками и государственными деятелямиб об эволюции из взглядов, и, в конечном счете, их стремлении противостоять использованию научных достижений в военных целях. Книга также охватывает антигероев - шпионов и их покровителей, в том числе предателей-добровольцев, которые верили в идею коммунистического общества, которая во время эпидемии национализма и нацизма, стала довольно привлекательной. Обсуждение всех этих аспектов делает разговор особенно привлекательным для широкой публики.
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