100 Years of Suprematism
Exhibit Venue:
Columbia UniversityThe Schapiro Center
New York, NY
Exhibit Date:
December 11-12, 2015
The Malevich Society would like to invite you to attend “100 Years of Suprematism,” a conference organized in celebration of the centenary of Kazimir Malevich’s invention of Suprematism and the first public display of his Suprematist paintings in December, 1915. The two-day conference, organized in association with the Harriman Institute, the Lazar Khidekel Society, and SHERA, will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 11-12, 2015 at The Shapiro Center, Columbia University. The conference promises to be an historic event, featuring presentations by an international and renowned group of scholars. Among them are leading researchers in the field from the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom. The event will also include a presentation of Kazimir Malevich: Letters and Documents, Memoirs and Criticism (London: Tate, 2015).
The conference program, abstracts, and pre-registration will be available on The Malevich Society’s website (www.malevichsociety.org) by November 20th. Although registration will be available at the door on December 11 and 12 (based on space availability), we encourage you to register online to ensure a seat. Attendance is free.
All sessions will take place in the Davis Auditorium, Schapiro Centre, Columbia University, New York - directions here
Time | Friday, December 11, 2015 |
9.30-10.30 | Registration and Coffee |
| Welcome by Professor Alan Timberlake of the Harriman Institute |
| Introduction by Christina Lodder |
| Session I |
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Charlotte Douglas, “Early Suprematism” | |
Irina Vakar, “The Black Square” | |
Tatiana Goriacheva, “‘… in our time, when it became we…’ A Previously Unknown Essay by Malevich” | |
| Lunch |
| Session 2 |
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Linda Dalrymple Henderson, “Malevich, the Fourth Dimension, and the Ether of Space One Hundred Years Later” | |
Alexander Bouras, “Suprematism and the Philosophy of Technology” | |
| Coffee |
| Session 3 |
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Nina Gourianova, “Black on Black and White on White: Rodchenko, Malevich, and The First State Exhibition. [The Posthumous Exhibition of Olga Rozanova]” | |
Maria Kokkori, “Kazimir Malevich, the UNOVIS group and the poetics of materiality” | |
Alexander Lisov, “Branches of UNOVIS in Smolensk and Orenburg” | |
| Questions and Discussion |
| Saturday, December 12, 2015 |
| Coffee & further registration |
| Welcome |
| Session I |
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Samuel Johnson, ‘“…the “sky” stayed behind’: Architectural Suprematism between Lissitzky and Malevich” | |
Regina Khidekel, “Lazar Khidekel and Suprematism as an Embodiment of the Infinite” | |
Christina Lodder, “Conflicting Approaches to Creativity? Suprematism and Constructivism” | |
| Lunch |
| Session 2 |
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Julia Tulovsky, “Suprematist Textiles” | |
Yulia Karpova, “Suprematist Porcelain and its Afterlife in Leningrad Design” | |
| Coffee |
| Session 3 |
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Eva Forgacs, “Suprematism in Eastern Europe: A Shortcut into the Future” | |
Xenia Vytuleva, “Malevich's Systematic Approach and its Aftermath in Contemporary Architecture and Visual Cultures” | |
| Conclusion: Round-table Discussion |
| Book Launch of Kazimir Malevich: Letters, Documents, Memoirs and Criticism |
Tatiana Mikhienko, “Researching the Russian edition” | |
Andrei Sarabianov, “Publishing the Russian edition” | |
Antonina W. Bouis, “Translating Objectlessness” | |
Wendy Salmond, “Editing Malevich: The Challenges of Preparing Irina Vakar and Tatiana Mikhienko's Monumental Publication for an English-speaking Audience” | |
| Drinks Reception |
We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!