Lazar Khidekel, Complete Concrete
Exhibit Venue:
Haus Konstruktiv, ZurichSelnaustrasse 25
8001 Zurich
Exhibit Date:
August 2010 to January 2011
First solo exhibition of Lazar Khidekel in Europe "Lazar Markovich Khidekel - the Rediscovered Suprematist" from the artist's estate, was a part of the COMPLETE CONCRETE, an exhibition commemorating hundred years since the inception of constructivist art, concrete and conceptual art and its effect on the present. Curated by Dorothea Strauss, COMPLETE CONCRETE is two-installments show at Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich, August 2010 - January 2011.
More information:
November 27, 2010 - Schweizer Illustrierte
Keineswegs Kleinkariert
by Kati Moser
(in German)
To read this article as a PDF, click here
November 18, 2010 - Neue Zurcher Zeitung
Avantgardistische Kunst - losgelost von allem Irdischen
by Brigitte Ulmer
(in German) To read this article as a PDF, click here